Break Free From The Corporate Ladder

Embrace Independence, Health, and Success with We Mean Business

Inject power into your journey as you team up with We Mean Business, a distinct partner enabling you to:

  • Tailor your work-life according to your priorities/passions

  • Fortify your income stream with growth opportunities that inspire

  • Achieve the delightful balance between career success while prioritizing family first

  • Secure an unwavering financial future

  • Ignite impactful change around you

Tired of Climbing the Corporate Ladder?

Dissatisfied with the profit over people culture that leaves too many of us unfulfilled?

What started with an idea shared during a coffee chat, lead to a decision to break away from traditional norms and create our own path.

We Mean Business is centered on enhancing lives and representing truly exceptional products.

Create a Healthier and Happier Life with We Mean Business

Our clear vision, stellar team and noble cause has lead to a thriving business.

This departure from the corporate world wasn't just about starting a business, but reclaiming passion, integrity, and a focus on people over profits.

Secure Your Future with We Mean Business

We Mean Business provides fulfillment, success, and the freedom to create a flexible work-life where relationships matter.

Tomorrow doesn’t have to look like yesterday, if we change today.

Come join us…Lives Change Here!

Why Choose We Mean Business?

  • Reliability & Reputation: Founded in 1985, we consistently grow every year by remaining committed to enhancing people's well-being.

  • Pulse of the Market: We tap into current market trends that focus on the growing demand for specialized manufacturing, healthier consumer goods, and vital remote work opportunities.

  • Unique Approach: We Mean Business stands out with its unique Consumer Direct Marketing style, offering a fresh take on traditional practices.

The Consumer Goods Industry

The American consumer goods industry stands out for its resilience and steadiness, even amid economic challenges. We Mean Business offers you an avenue to craft a dependable repeat income while enjoying the flexibility of remote work.

At We Mean Business, our expertise lies in educating, marketing, and acquiring customers within this industry. Rather than conventional sales tactics, we prioritize cultivating relationships and sharing our personal insights.

By joining forces with us, you'll receive the backing you require. We'll collaborate closely to help you achieve your goals! As a unified team, we'll support you every step of the way on your journey to success.

Unleash Your Potential

Meet your Future Self: Get inspired by our team stories of determination, resilience, and success. See them as a mirror to your potential and a catalyst for your transformation.

Meet Some Of The We Mean Business Team

Doug Ellis

For over 20 years, I dedicated myself to climbing the corporate ladder for my family. I poured my time and energy into companies that seemed to prioritize profits over people. But with each passing day, I felt successfully discontent.

After navigating the corporate maze, I reached a breaking point. The pursuit of someone else's dream continually left me longing for a more meaningful path.

One evening, an idea was presented to us. It made total sense and was a paradigm shift to traditional thinking. We decided to carve out our own journey.

Starting from scratch was made easier with a stellar support team and a proven strategy. This team helped ease the moments of self-doubt typically faced by entrepreneurs.

We excelled in the team culture, learning from others, refining strategies, and embracing the process.

We do not sell products or services; we build bridges between a brand and customers, crafting compelling narratives of lives changed which resonates deeply with others.

Our lives are forever changed through the noble cause of helping others change their own life. What began as a small team evolved into a close-knit family of passionate marketing executives, each contributing unique perspectives to fuel success.

Leaving corporate America wasn't an end; it was the empowering start of a rewarding entrepreneurial adventure.

Tomorrow doesn’t have to look like yesterday if you change today!

Christopher & Kristina Brown

I am a former Registered Nurse and mom of 5 children. After working 22 years in nursing, I knew that it was no longer my passion. My heart was to stay at home with our children and homeschool. After a year of living on one income, our family had accumulated significant debt. It became clear that we needed to make some changes.

When I partnered with We Means Business in 2020, I was excited to collaborate with others that had a desire to be at home but also a strong work ethic and passion for helping others. I love helping people have balance and time freedom, while also being able to contribute significant, stable and lasting income to their families. I am now able to help support my family financially while having healthy boundaries and being an integral part of my children’s day to day lives.

Ross & Corey Keller

For many years, I’ve worked in the Real Estate and Construction industry and loved what I did. However, we always started back over at square one each month. I was looking for a plan that would allow me to get ahead and build an income even while I wasn’t at work.

I partnered with the We Mean Business team 10 years ago now and we have been able to not only secure that passive income for our family, but help many other families do the same. We have a proven platform that has been successfully helping people secure a solid income while still having the freedom and flexibility to live and enjoy life.

We are looking forward to learning more about your family and how we can help you create strong future that will allow you to live life to the fullest.

Mike & Kimberly Sewell

Meet the Sewell’s

We are parents to five sons with growing families of their own. Life can be a little crazy, but we love it!

We come from the corporate world where we owned and operated a successful Dollar Rent-A-Car Franchise. It was a large operation in which we found ourselves so busy that we didn't have the time to do the things we wanted to do.

After selling in 2007, we invested in Commercial and Residential Real Estate looking for residual income. We soon watched our investments dwindle as the economy stole our dreams. We went from being semi-retired to wondering what we were going to do. We needed something else. In 2009 we were given the opportunity to partner with a company in the e-commerce consumer goods industry. It has been a wonderful fit, allowing us to continue to enjoy our adventures while working remotely and being present with our family. It has been an incredible journey.

Our first year gave us the resources we needed without having the overhead our traditional business required.

Since moving forward with this new opportunity, we have found our dreams again. We have hope again. We no longer worry about what we are going to do. Our future is bright!

We are passionate about helping families and couples reduce financial stress with an additional stream of income. With a proven system of achievement, we work closely with you to ensure your goals are reached.

Let's join forces and make your dream of financial security a reality.

Are You The Right Fit?

  • Are you ambitious, driven, and ready to take control of your professional life?

  • Do you crave the harmony of meaningful work and family time?

  • Are you passionate about personal growth, health, and wellness?

  • Do you believe in the power of resilience, hard work, and determination to overcome obstacles?

  • Are you ready for an exciting new chapter towards financial independence?

  • Are you eager to be a part of a powerful community of like-minded men and women?

  • Do you look forward to being guided, inspired, and supported on your journey to success?

  • Are you ready to embrace work flexibility like setting your own hours and working remotely?

Connect Now

Ready to rule your life? Let's take the first step together. Share your details for a direct follow-up from our committed team. Embrace the future you've always wanted, let's walk this path to success together.

© Copyright 2024 - We Mean Business